Important facts:
1. Mary was born on September 8th.
2. Mary was also known as the St. Mary, The Virgin, and the Mother Of God.
3. She is the greatest, of all Christian saints.
4. Her life and role in the history of salvation is foreshadowed in the old testament. While the events of a recorded in the new testament.
The death of the saint:
1. Mary was born on September 8th.
2. Mary was also known as the St. Mary, The Virgin, and the Mother Of God.
3. She is the greatest, of all Christian saints.
4. Her life and role in the history of salvation is foreshadowed in the old testament. While the events of a recorded in the new testament.
5. She as regenerated with a special cult, called by st. Thomas aquinas, hyperdulia as the holiest of all creatures.
6.She visit her cousin named “Elizabeth”
7.She gave birth to her son named “Jesus”.
The death of the saint:
She died on August 15th.
How did she die?
They are according to the old Jewish custom, she could have been betiothed at about 12. She lived for 11 years after the death of her son Jesus.
When did she became a saint?
When she was a early christian before,it according to the Catholics. She will become the Mother of God.
Whats her miracles?
- She helps boys and girls
- She do nice things.
- She takes care others.
When is her feast day? Who is your saint a patron and which symbols represent your saint?
Her feast day is on January 1st.
She gave birth to her son. She went to Eqypt. She prayed in the heaven. She went to a wedding in Cana.
The symbols that represent her are:
1.The rose and the violet 2. The stawberry 3. Xmas rose 4.The pomegranate 5. The immaculate heart.
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