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Bernice’s Corner

Bernice’s Corner is a device that could have lots of toy reviews on our screen today! Bernice started creating toy reviews in February of 2015. She makes video colleges for each toy cartoon. She started doing songwriting in 2016. Bernice’s Corner joined The Artknits in 2015, just like the same month as before. She creates lots of stuff from her imagination. She writes a few sentences in 2015, and she writes a lots of sentences since 2016. In November of 2017, she creates a trailer about the “Little Women” from 1994 which she likes. She creates lots of stuff for videos. When she was in her condo, she does the channel called “Crown TV” which has toy reviews on it. Now it change into Bernice’s Corner in 2016. This is one of our great toy reviews in the whole wide world.


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